Brighter Death Now - Kamikaze Kabaret (2005)
There are many, possibly into the hundreds, of artists out there who specialise in the Power Electronics genre. Each day / week/ month / year another will join the throng and bung out what they consider to be the last word in this style of music. There is though one man, the big daddy, who firmly put this music on the map. Who over the years - and it goes back an awfully long time - has continually released the most obstinate and difficult music ever to come out of Sweden, if not the world. That icon of cool, the ultimate purveyor of noise is none other than Roger Karmanik. No one else has ever strived to not only put his own music out for everyone’s personal damnation but encouraged and released like minded souls through the Cold Meat Industry label. Though it must be quickly added, to stave off recriminations, that CMI releases music from many other different genres as well. He’s the man for all seasons. The consummate professional, although seeing the way he dressed in the last BDN live DVD outing ‘Disobey’ I do worry about him somewhat.Here he returns with a ten track opus that is so typically BDN. "Kamikaze Kabaret" bares all the usual hallmarks associated with his work. The rhythmic electronics that thrust and grind in never ending loops. The occasional blurts of high frequency white noise and the slowing down to a snails pace throbs. Some samples. And of course, the trademark completely distorted and horrific vocals. The spectres of Throbbing Gristle overhead here float strongly with this old Jedi. Hard going, no real shock there, yet comforting at the same time. It’s like he’s never been away. The stall has been laid out…come feast one and all. All the BDN releases eventually melt into one whole with nothing to separate them. Which in my eyes is perfectly acceptable because as someone who truly appreciates his music I gladly soak up and welcome with open arms every recording he cares to put out. Long may he continue to do so. Ask me though to name the best BDN recording and I would be flummoxed.There isn’t one definitive BDN. All are great, all have their minor faults, all are essential listening for those of the darker persuasion. This then is the real crux of the matter. "Kamikaze Kaberet" joins that long illustrious list. You need it. You know you do. So go bathe in the warm glow of depressing sound in the latest BDN chapter and enjoy the third best thing to ever have come out of Sweden.Review taken from Aural Pressure.
There are many, possibly into the hundreds, of artists out there who specialise in the Power Electronics genre. Each day / week/ month / year another will join the throng and bung out what they consider to be the last word in this style of music. There is though one man, the big daddy, who firmly put this music on the map. Who over the years - and it goes back an awfully long time - has continually released the most obstinate and difficult music ever to come out of Sweden, if not the world. That icon of cool, the ultimate purveyor of noise is none other than Roger Karmanik. No one else has ever strived to not only put his own music out for everyone’s personal damnation but encouraged and released like minded souls through the Cold Meat Industry label. Though it must be quickly added, to stave off recriminations, that CMI releases music from many other different genres as well. He’s the man for all seasons. The consummate professional, although seeing the way he dressed in the last BDN live DVD outing ‘Disobey’ I do worry about him somewhat.Here he returns with a ten track opus that is so typically BDN. "Kamikaze Kabaret" bares all the usual hallmarks associated with his work. The rhythmic electronics that thrust and grind in never ending loops. The occasional blurts of high frequency white noise and the slowing down to a snails pace throbs. Some samples. And of course, the trademark completely distorted and horrific vocals. The spectres of Throbbing Gristle overhead here float strongly with this old Jedi. Hard going, no real shock there, yet comforting at the same time. It’s like he’s never been away. The stall has been laid out…come feast one and all. All the BDN releases eventually melt into one whole with nothing to separate them. Which in my eyes is perfectly acceptable because as someone who truly appreciates his music I gladly soak up and welcome with open arms every recording he cares to put out. Long may he continue to do so. Ask me though to name the best BDN recording and I would be flummoxed.There isn’t one definitive BDN. All are great, all have their minor faults, all are essential listening for those of the darker persuasion. This then is the real crux of the matter. "Kamikaze Kaberet" joins that long illustrious list. You need it. You know you do. So go bathe in the warm glow of depressing sound in the latest BDN chapter and enjoy the third best thing to ever have come out of Sweden.Review taken from Aural Pressure.
01 - Untitled
02 - Oh Baby
03 - Crimescene Nostalgia
04 - Destroy
05 - Testing
06 - Big Happy Family
07 - Washing Day
08 - While You Sleep
09 - Take Me Away
10 - Untitled
Password: aberrantsounds.blogspot.com
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